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5 Tips to Prepare Your Vehicle Before a Long Ride

Are you planning to go on a long trip soon? Then, don’t forget to meticulously plan and get ready for it if you don’t want to call for a heavy-duty tow truck service along the way. Make sure to prepare all the things that you will need for the trip and check all the things you need to check to avoid accidents and hassles during your journey.

Tips for a Safe and Hassle-Free Journey

Here are some of the things you need to prepare and check for your long journey.

  1. Inspecting Your Tire Tread
    Do not forget to check your tires’ tread before your long trip because they are important in providing traction. They also help your tire stay in contact with the road when it rains by channeling the water away from it. You could lose control of your car, especially when the road is wet, if you failed to check and realize that it has already worn down.

  2. Checking Your Car’s Fluid
    One of the biggest reasons why you encounter problems when you are on a long trip is that you have not checked your car’s fluids. Never forget to check your vehicle’s fluid – be it motor oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, or brake fluid – if you don’t want to experience inconveniences along the way like malfunctioning air condition units or overheating. Always check everything that uses fluids in your car before going on a trip.

  3. Carrying a Roadside Survival Kit
    One of the questions you probably don’t want to ask yourself when you’re on a road trip is, “Is there a heavy-duty towing near me?” Because it will mean that you failed to prepare everything for the trip. You better be meticulous in planning and preparing your trip if you don’t want this to happen to you.

    One of the tips for a safe and hassle-free journey is to prepare a roadside survival kit. In this kit, you can put emergency tools like an adjustable spanner, screwdrivers, a flashlight, and pliers. You can also include a rechargeable battery pack, a spare mobile phone, medical kits, a fire extinguisher, and other things that you can use for worst-case scenarios.

  4. Checking your Brake Pads, Belts, and Hoses
    Before going on a long trip, it is important to have the crucial components of your car checked – like the brake pads, hoses, belts, and other significant parts. Failure to check them will only cause you stress, problems, and in the worst-case scenario, your car might even end up being towed because it won’t start. You’ll have no choice but to cancel your trip if this happens.

  5. Others
    Here are some other things you should check before you hit the road.
    • Make sure that your tire iron and jack are in the car.
    • Always fill your gas tank when it’s half full. Don’t wait for it to be empty before you fill it.
    • Check your tires’ condition.
    • Always bring your spare tires.
    • Check your high and low-beam headlights.


Bottom line

Before going on a long trip, make sure that everyone and everything are ready. You also need to make sure that you are ready for whatever may happen. Because, whether we like it or not, no matter how prepared and ready we are, unexpected things still happen. In those situations, make sure that you know a professional, trusted, and skilled heavy-duty tow truck service like Classic Towing that can help you when something unexpected unfolds on your trip.